Haze-SPAN: Haze Sun Photometer Atmospheric Network
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[ TERC VHS-1 Sun Photometer ] [ Manual TOC ]

What is a Sun Photometer?

A Sun photometer (also spelled Sunphotometer) is an instrument that measures the intensity of sunlight arriving directly from the Sun. Since it is designed to be pointed directly at the Sun, a Sun photometer measures only direct sunlight, not the diffuse light scattered from the sky, haze and clouds. Since haze blocks some direct sunlight, a Sun photometer is an ideal instrument for measuring haze.

Scientists have used Sun photometers of various kinds for more than a century. The modern generation of hand held Sun photometers was pioneered in the late 1950's by Frederick Volz [1], who has made important discoveries about the effects of natural and volcanic haze on the environment.

Although some Sun photometers respond to a wide range of colors or wavelengths of sunlight, most include special filters that admit only a very narrow band of wavelengths. These filters are expensive. They also have a limited life. While some filters may work well for a decade or more, others may last only a few years.

[ TERC VHS-1 Sun Photometer ] [ Manual TOC ]

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Copyright © 1997. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 21-Apr 1997: http://www.concord.org/haze/what.html
Questions about Haze-SPAN: carolyn@concord.org | about this site: webmaster@concord.org